We’re a Lil’ Internet Superstar!


Sarah Jessica Parker Looks Like a Horse

Friday, June 6th, 2008 – running time 02:04

According to one of the hottest sites on Internet, Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a horse. The photo evidence is compelling…

I don’t enjoy presenting you with websites that are mean of spirit. Websites that, if viewed by the poor soul they target, might make that person convulse in tears. But it is also my duty as America’s foremost chronicler of Internet phenomena to draw your attention to even sites that, despite their shameless wickedness, are the zeitgeist of our times.

And therefore I give you the site, sarahjessicaparkerlookslikeahorse.com.

I needn’t provide too much explication here. The site, as its name plainly suggests, carries the thesis that Sex in the City star and fashion maven Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a long-faced, oat-chomping, massive brown clumps of grass-infused feces on the street dropping, horse.

I, for one, don’t think the site is at all fair. I don’t think she looks like a horse at all. I mean, when have you ever seen a horse that has a massive, unsightly mole on its chin?

But with well over 7 million hits to date, apparently many Internet users disagree with me, and that the general consensus is that Sarah Jessica Parker does in fact, look like a grotesque Clydesdale.

And, come to think of it, that tiny little husband of hers, Matthew Broderick, does sort of resemble one of those tacky lawn jockeys, so maybe I can eventually be convinced to the contrary.

Regardless, Sarah Jessica Parker and your four foot long head, you are an Internet Superstar! If you have a nomination for an Internet Superstar, send it to martin at revision3 dot com.

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A shout out to the fine folks at Revsion 3.